Saturday, 25 April 2015

Poetry: Coffee Shop by Ma. Clarissa Malig-on

Coffee Shop
by Ma. Clarissa Malig-on

As I walk into the coffee shop
I search for your eyes, hoping to finally meet you

A look both new and familiar
As if I’ve known you for a long time

The contours of your face
Will stir my heart and daze

The one from my childhood fantasy
One who will satisfy my lifelong dreams

Whose aura will make my body flutter
And touch will make my bones forget how to function

Blood will rush to thy cheeks
As your eyes focus on me

Whose movementscreated
Will make my body want to harmonize with

A person who shall know
The shadowed part of my heart

You will listen intently
Listen until I run out of ideas to say

Then silence, without words
But presence still affects the core existence

As I walk into the coffee shop
Stories are waiting to be told

Old souls longing to be rejoined
By this privileged lifetime

A connection that is both spiritual and carnal
Hands that are like puzzle pieces

Fitting together as if the world
Could not separate our joined portions

Each other’s windows of the soul
Shall take us to the universe


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